Sean Krall
Project Manager:
When I started at One Way Wireless Construction (One Way) I was skeptical of getting back into the industry. I began working in the industry back in 2003 where it was thriving as it is now. I worked for several tower companies and I wasn’t sure if I was getting myself back into one of those “great tower companies” that have left me out of town with no money, no materials, or paid me with bounced checks. It wasn’t but a month and I realized this is not one of those companies! When I started at One Way I wasn’t just starting a new job, I was starting my new life. I was new to sobriety which is why I was nervous about getting back into tower work. It was Gary B. and Greg H. that found me working in a metal recycling factory, it was those two men that assured me that One Way is interested in focusing on my future instead of dwelling and concerning themselves of my past. I wasn’t bringing much to the table at first. I came with baggage. I had no license, no car, and I was on parole and couldn’t travel out of the state. It wasn’t very long and I realized that they were investing in my future. One Way cared for me like a brother. They wanted me to succeed both at work and in life. They helped me get my license back, helped me meet all my parole needs and did it with a smile on their faces. When you hear of these types of people/companies, you can’t believe it’s real, but these guys ARE and they changed my life. As I started to get back into the swing of things, I realized that so much has changed in the industry since I have been out. However, a few things remained the same…the foreman and managers were always willing to help and answer questions. As I worked my way up from the bottom, it was great doing it with the support and help from people that you enjoy working with. It feels good to teach the new guys the knowledge that has taken me years to figure out. Everyone at One Way makes it clear that they want you to grow as an individual and as a team player. Because at the end of the day that is what One Way is, a team, a family, and they make sure that you know that you are a valuable part of that team. This is what will keep me at One Way for many more years to come.